How to Answer the Top 10 Accounting Interview Questions

Are you an accountant and looking for accounting positions? Have you been applying, and found yourself looking forward to going for an interview?

When it comes to job searching, not only is it essential to write a killer resume, but you must be prepared enough to answer well and pass the interview.

These are the first questions that you are likely going to be asked and how to answer them. Pay attention, as your ability to answer these accounting interview questions will make or break your chance at a job in this field.

Accounting Interview Questions

What Is Your Experience When it Comes to Accounting?

Well, first of all, talk about your studies, work experience that you’ve attained during and after your studies, and other work-related jobs you have done in the past. This question will give the interviewer a sense of who you are; you can jokingly say how we’re able to manage our finances from a young age, talk about your saving tips, or how you have handled your own family’s finances.

Why Choose an Accounting Career?

Being an accountant is not for the faint-hearted. It is one of the most tasking jobs on the market, so why choose this path? Go back to what drew you to this position. Is it the love for numbers?

Is it because you are the curious type who always wants to look for solutions? What is it that drew you to the career option? Think about what you love most about accounting jobs and share those insights with your interviewer.

How Will This Position Help You Grow?

At this point, it is okay to be too ambitious and tell your interviewer how you want to work hard towards becoming a CFO, head accountant, or any other high-position office. This will show how willing you are to work hard.

How Do You Deal with a Mistake(s)?

Well, you must be prepared for this question because the truth of the matter is, no one is perfect, and mistakes are bound to happen as you carry on your duties. So, how will you deal with them? As you might have learned in school, tell your interviewer the steps you plan to implement should you make any mistakes in your work.

How Do You Usually Handle Pressure?

As an accountant, you will have to go under lots of pressure – more so as you are handling payroll during tax season or even emergencies. So, should this happen, how will you handle it? You should share some of the tricks you have learned over time to handle the pressure.

Explain Certain Problem to Me Like I Have Zero Accounting Experience.

I agree this might be a tough question, but hey, you have to answer whatever questions are thrown your way at an accounting interview. You should try and explain the question like you are teaching a grade one student. As you do this, remember to use quantifiable numbers and statistics or dollar amounts and also limit your use of jargon.


If you want to land a good accounting job, your preparation should go beyond writing perfect resumes. You should also prepare to answer and pass the accounting interview questions. This is what gives your interviewer a sense of who you are. As such, research about the company, dress appropriately, and above all, be confident.