The Top Paying Agriculture Jobs You Should Know About

Forget the old days where agriculture only meant burning under the sun for days tilling the land and waiting for crops to grow. Today, agriculture has taken a twist entirely, giving you several options to pick from. However, just like any job, they come with hard work and dedication.

Unknown to many, there are thousands of jobs available in this field. However, many people either do not know about these jobs or are merely unqualified. This has become a global issue and there is now a lack of skilled labor in this sector.

If you are passionate about agriculture, there is never a better time to start than now. Here are some of the hottest, ever-green agriculture careers to consider. Check out our list to see which one best suits your interests!


Agriculture Operations Manager

This position is different from farm managers; they maintain different processes in agribusinesses like mills and grain manufacturing. They also are in charge of ensuring everything runs smoothly. Additionally, they manage and lead staff. To start working in this position, you need to have an agriculture background, as well as excellent organizational and communication skills. You will earn about $61,670 per year.

Food Scientist

Have you ever wondered who creates nutritional information on food products? You guessed right, its food scientists. They help ensure that shop attendant doesn’t sell you expired food, hence they indicate how much shelf life these processed foods have. In other words, they have to ensure that the food produced is safe for consumption. They also figure out the fine nutritional details of the food products we buy.

If you are the kind of person who is concerned about your food intake and always have to check how many calories you intake, then this might be the best job for you. You will earn about $71,990 working as a food scientist.

Agricultural Engineer

With developments in technology, things have changed in the agriculture business. Now, many machines have been introduced to help humans and make their work easy. Agricultural engineers usually design agricultural equipment and test them to confirm that they are working correctly and are ready to hit the farms.

However, this job is not for the faint-hearted. If you feel you can’t work overtime that requires also working on weekends, then this might not be the ideal kind of job for you. Expect to earn about $74,570 per year in this position.

Environmental Engineer

This is another great career in the agricultural sector. Becoming an environmental engineer is a great choice for many. Farmers would yield nothing if the conditions were not favorable. In that sense, the role of the engineer is to gather information from different fields and come up with a system that can stop or reduce damages like pollution, deforestation, or soil erosion. Pay for this position is good, but can vary greatly depending on the entity your work for.

Bottom Line

If you are passionate about farming and feel you can help farmers in one way or another, go for it. Forget the old notions of agriculture, things have changed in the industry. It is no longer the unfavorable career choice you used to know about. A career in agriculture will offer not only growth but also decent pay as well.